Courses and Lectures

Groningen, 2018

  • July 2018: Dublin (Ireland) World Conference Social Work & Social Development 2018 Speaker & workshop (1 hour) 'The specific expertise of SW'ers working with people in poverty.''                                                                                                                                               
  • March 2018: Edinburgh, Scottish Borders 'The specific expertise of Social Workers.'
  • March 2018: Rotterdam Erasmus Teaching Hospital: The specific expertise of Medical Social Workers.'
  • March 2018: Scottish borders 'The specific expertise of Social Workers.'
  • October 2017: Lisbon Portugal, University of Lisbon 'The specific expertise of social workers.'
  • June 2017, Paris EASSW, Survey Quality Standard Methods Instruction at European Schools of Social Work.
  • Jan.-sept. 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands, FNV - National Labor Union - Emotional support for job loss workers. 
  • Nov. 2016 Dunblane, Scotland - International Workgroup on Death Dying and Bereavement, Survey Griefsupport by Social Workers.
  • June 2016 Utrecht European Congress - Victim Support Europe
  • Sept. 2015 Edinburgh, Scotland - European Conference IFSW - Europe: The Social Workers'Toolbox.  
  • July 2014 Stockholm Worldcongress Social Work
  • June 2013 New York and Victoria (Canada), Study of loss and Clientcentered MultiMethod SocialWork      
  • Nov. 2011: Brussels national Workshop Multimethod Social Work                                                              
  • May 26th 2010 Gent (Belgium), Seminar Science of Grief and Loss and UBS-therapy
  • June 2010, Hongkong, UBS and Multi-method Social Work will be introduced at the World Social Work Congress
  • Nov. 2010 - febr. 2011, Gent (Belgium), Course Science of Grief and Loss and UBS-therapy;
  • Boston, september 2008: lecture for Master Class Social Work, Simmons College affliated with Harvard University
  • Boston: september 2008: IWG, international Workgroup on Death Dying and Bereavement


Herman de Mönnink


© H.J. de Mönnink, 2018